‘Mondrian’ de 2018 production of European X

Piet Mondrian, a Dutch painter who lived from 1872-1944, is regarded as one of the best-
known and important painters of the twentieth century. Mondrian is a source of inspiration to
many throughout art, architecture, and design still in the present day.
European X will be telling the story of growth and transformation in art and the artist as society
changes. This is best exemplified through Piet Mondrian’s life, an artist that started with
normal, basic standards and moved on to create his own style, that of which was not accepted
in society at first.

De production of European X can be seen at our 'Try out' and a few events of Colorguard Nederland (CGN):
18 February 2018: 'Try-out' 3pm-4pm Sporthal Almere Buiten
24 February 2018: International Contest Almere
10 March 2018: Contest Leeuwarden
24 March 2018: CGN Championships Eindhoven

Musical selections include:
-Proven Van Stijlkunst: Nr. Iv by Jacob Van Domselaer
-Trois pieces pour piano: Danse by Arthur Honegger
-Rêverie by Claude Debussy.

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