MEPA Kettering Show Recap

Rhythm X performed at its first show of the X14 performance tour yesterday at Kettering Fairmont High School. Despite the snowy, wintery conditions, there was a large, enthusiastic audience with great energy! Rhythm X premiered the program "The Razor's Edge," earning a score of 83.35. The cast and staff are excited about where the X14 performance tour is headed- there's so much more to come. A big thanks to our fans for the support at the show and through social media. See what they thought below and be a part of the conversation next time by following us on Twitter and Instagram for real-time updates! Don't forget to tag your posts #X14.

See you next weekend, February 15-16, at the WGI Indianapolis Regional at Franklin Central High School. Be sure to stop by The X Store- we're debuting a bunch of brand-new product!

X14Maddie WesselX14, Show Recap