Rhythm X Alum, Army Drummer Featured in Wright State News

Jeff Brooks (#094) is a snare drummer in the United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps. His career as an Army drummer sends him all over the world performing for heads of state, dignitaries and many famous people.

The Wright State University Newsroom recently did a piece on the Rhythm X and WSU alum. In the article Jeff speaks of his high school years under the direction of Rhythm X, Inc. President Tim Fairbanks:

By the time Brooks arrived at Centerville High School, he was “completely immersed in drumming and that pretty much dominated my life.”

Brooks became a member of the award-winning Centerville marching band and indoor drumline. Of major influence were Wayne Markworth, band director, and Tim Fairbanks, drumline instructor. Of the seven drummers who made the snare line in 2000, Brooks and three others currently work professionally in the music industry.

Read the entire article here.

Jeff Brooks (foreground) performs in the Rhythm X snare line.

Jeff Brooks (foreground) performs in the Rhythm X snare line.

Mike Scott